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Showing posts from August, 2022

From Silicon Valley to Papua New Guinea, Missionary Family Finds God Is Faithful: 'God Is Our Dwelling Place'

In 2009, Wayne Chen, who is Taiwanese by birth, left a comfortable life in Silicon Valley, California, and moved his family to Biem Island in Papua New Guinea to be missionaries. The volcanic island is only three kilometers across and is populated by about 2,000 indigenous people. It has no freshwater or modern conveniences like electricity and the Internet and is only accessible by small boats. from

British Mental Health Experts Warn Cannabis Is Not a Harmless Drug - It's Linked to Psychosis and Addiction

A major medical journal in the United Kingdom has published a detailed research paper by mental health experts warning cannabis products with high concentrations of THC, a chemical known to affect the mind, have been associated with psychosis and dependence in users.    from

More American 'Open Minds' Say COVID-19 Manipulated in Lab, Intentionally Unleashed on World

A recent study by a group of scientists, former defense officials, and intelligence officers determined the COVID-19 virus came from a Wuhan, China lab. This group, known as Team B III went further saying, the Chinese Communist Party intentionally unleashed it on the world.  from

'I Heard Them Laughing Again': Orphan's Promise Center Opens in Poland, Brings Hope to Kids Traumatized by Russia's War Crimes

The first Orphan's Promise Center in Poland has recently been opened. O.P. is working together with other CBN ministries including Operation Blessing and Superbook to help alleviate the suffering and ease the trauma that Ukrainian refugees are going through.  from