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Showing posts from September, 2023

End Times Author on Antichrist, Tribulation, and Biggest Error Made Surrounding Book of Revelation

Prophecy expert and author Jeff Kinley believes the book of Revelation is unique and important as it’s the “last book of the Bible” and the final word God gave “His church.” He also broke down what he said is the biggest error people make when discussing Revelation: embracing the belief the prophetic text was never meant to be understood. from

Marking a Joyous Milestone: 'Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Bring the Good News'

Early this summer, I stood in a mountainous village in the northern Philippines called Dibagat – not far from where our family lived for nearly 15 years – celebrating a moment 66 years in the making. A moment full of joy and hope, made possible by those who have answered God's call with a resounding "yes."  from

Pakistan's Supreme Court 'Rekindles Hope', Opposes Forced Marriages of Christian Girls

The Supreme Court in Pakistan has ordered the government to respond to a complaint demanding lower courts stop allowing forced conversion and marriage of minority girls in the predominantly Muslim country. The decision could make way for the country to adopt laws that would protect young girls, says a new report.  from